Support Us


Donate Online: 
Click below to make a donation using PayPal. It's easy and secure. 

Donate by Phone: 
To contribute by phone, call us at 203-208-5504

Donate by Mail: 
Checks can be made payable to "Legacy Theatre" and mailed to:
Legacy Theatre 
128 Thimble Island Road
Stony Creek, CT 06405

The Legacy Theatre offers a variety of ways to become involved in supporting our mission of bringing quality arts programming to the Connecticut shoreline. We invite you to explore some opportunities we currently have. For more information please connect with Keely Baisden Knudsen, Artistic Director, at

The future of Legacy Theatre is dependent upon support of friends like you. 

Legacy is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization and is registered in the State of Connecticut to solicit contributions. All donations are tax deductible. 

Corporate Support 

Thank you to corporate sponsor WEBSTER PRIVATE BANK for a $7,500 challenge match grant. 


There are opportunities at Legacy for companies of all sizes to get involved in our Corporate Giving programs. From sponsorships of events and season productions to donor matching programs - we can accommodate all levels of interest in giving.

The Legacy Theatre is a proud member of the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce. 

Legacy gratefully acknowledges the support of our roof replacement from...


Naming Opportunities

Leave your legacy at The Legacy!

To view current naming opportunities, please click the above link, or you may email or call 203-208-5504. Pledges may be made in payments up to four years.


Partnerships play an important part in our plans for the future and a partial list of our partners includes…

  • Branford Early Childhood Collaborative

  • Branford Public Schools

  • Branford Reads

  • Camp Rising Sun

  • Camp Totokett

  • James Blackstone Memorial Library

  • Read to Grow

  • Shoreline Arts Alliance

  • Shoreline Chamber of Commerce

  • Smilow Cancer Center

  • Stony Creek Museum

  • United States Veterans

  • United Way of Greater New Haven

  • Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library


Special thanks to our friends who have purchased a named seat at the Legacy Theatre...

Susan Barnes (In Memory of Daniel and Alice Cosgrove)
F. Vining Bigelow
P.J. and Lauren Camp
John Casso & Mark Serchuck
Betty Ann & John Donegan
Kristina and Theodore Ells
Kate Monaghan Fletcher
Bill & Michele Fredericks
Carol & Tom Gagliardi
Linda & Vin Giordano
Stella Rae Herzog (purchased by Don & Nancy Herzog)
Vita Charlie Herzog (purchased by Don & Nancy Herzog)
Joan & Tom Hughes
Brian & Keely Knudsen and Family
Jeanette & Bob Mobeck
Nancy & Joe Mooney
Melodie & Curt O’Connor
Steven & Violetta Prinz
Ignacio R. Rodriguez
Joan Stiefel Rodriguez
Melanie C. Rodriguez
Andrew W. Rodriguez
Marilyn E. Rodriguez
Melrene & Ron Savin
Luke Williams
Stephanie Williams
Ricky Williams
Valerie Williams
The Royal Court Singers (purchased by Curt & Ann Sorensen)
In Memory of Herman Abbott (purchased by David Y. Bailey)
In Memory of Nelson Denny (purchased by the Landis Family and Susan Lender)
In Memory of George V. McNally (purchased by Jana & Tom Shea)
Branford Hills Health Care Center
Branford Hills Homecare Services
In loving memory of Nancy Cleora Sorensen (purchased by the Sorensens) 

Thank you to Jana and Tom Shea for naming the George Victor Artist Cottage

Thank you to the Ariel and Miela Mayer, MFUND for naming a boxed seat, as well as Stephanie and Luke Williams for naming a boxed seat

Thank you to Stephanie and Luke Williams for naming the Theater

Thank you to the Mailhouse Family for naming the Orson Welles historic window 

Thank you to James Roday for naming the downstairs dressing room in honor of James Buchanan

Thank You to our Donors!

Sharon Abbatiello
Nina Adams and Moreson H. Kaplan
Alliance, TCC, LLC
Robert Alvine and Joann Thompson
James and Margaret Andreassi
Donita Aruny
David Bailey
Ann and Bob Baisden
Clint and Rena Baisden
Peter and Theresa Baldino
Hans Barth
Dr. and Mrs. Beckman
Mary and Jeff Beeman
Debbie Bisno
Andrea Bloom and William Chapin
Catherine Bradshaw
Branford Community Foundation
Crystal Brian
Bob Buckholz and Lizanne Fontaine
Katherine Downey Berges
Branford Rotary
Lauren Brown and John Herzan
Michele A. Burgess
John and Madelyn Burzenski
Layna and Peter Cain
Anne Calabresi
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Calamaro III
Steven and Hanna Calcagni
Calcagni Real Estate
Carly Callahan
Joseph and Mary Beth Canavan
Toni Cartisano
George and Joanne Caruso
John Casso and Mark Serchuck
Christy’s Public House
JoAnne and Jim Civitello
Herb Clark
Paul Cleary
Alcide and Karen Clement
David and Barbara Colley
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Dan Cosgrove and Susan Cosgrove Barnes
James B. Cosgrove
Lawrence and Joanne Cozzolino
Stephen and Celeste Cremin-Endes
William Cronan
The Jane and William Curran Foundation
Bill Curran
Elizabeth Dalton
David and Constance D'Atri
Susan Davison
Susan and Joe DeLaurentis
Ronald and Marcia Delfini
Pamela A. DeLise
Red and Sondra Dering
Bob DiSabato
Eric Dillner
Paul and Victoria Dispazio
Donna Doherty
Joseph and Gretchen Doktorski
John and Betty Ann Donegan
Damian and Susan Doria
Jackie Downing
Mara Dresner
John Driscoll, Jr.
Eder Bros
Kristina and Theodore Ells
David Etzel and Jan Sola Walzer
Richard and Joann Everson
Leonard R. Farber
Josephine Farrecielli
Nancy Feldman
Raymond Ferguson
Lynn and Nick Fischer
Barry and Gila Fischman
Julie Fitzpatrick and Pete Palumbo
John and Kathleen Fleming
Kevin and Mary Lynn Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fontana
William and Michele Fredericks
Carol and Thomas Gagliardi
Donna Gagliardi
Sandra Gardinier
Susan Glantz
Michael and Donna Lee Gennaro
Vincent and Linda Giordano
Josephine Giordano
Ruth and Jack Glantz Family Foundation
Jennifer Glass
June Gold
Rebecca Goodheart
Yvonne Gordon
Bob and Debbie Graham
Barbara Garvey and Philip Greenvall
Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Greenwood
Jon and Joan Grossman
The Guilford Foundation
Guilford Savings Bank
Heather and Joseph Hackley
Constance Hanrahan
Chad Hardin
Caroline Henningsen
Leslie Hopkins and Theodore Peters
William Horne and Roberta Brilmayer
Sally Howell
Alice and Kurt Hummel
Ion Bank
Ion Insurance
Kyle and Tricia Jacobson
Sandra Jedziniak and Jeremy Mellitz
Barry and Rochelle Kaplan
Craig Keanna and Erin Rice
John and Peggy Kebabian
Robert and Lisa Kelly
Kiki and Ted Kennedy, Jr.
John and Marilyn Kennedy
Betsy Klarman
Linda Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Knudsen
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Knowlton
Christin Knowlton and Dylan Jones
George and Stacy LaCapra
Anthony and Eunice Lasala
The Levithan Family
Meredith Libby
Antonio and Jenna Liguori
Brian Lonergan
Philip and Kathryn Luchini
Marcia and Vincent Lynch
Robert and Nancy Lyons
Carol Maclachlan
Walter and Martha Maguire
Moira Malone
Marcum, LLP
Chip and Susanne Marsh
Martyn Foundation
Dawn Massey
Catherine Matazewski
Joel Mausner
Melanie Barocas Mayer and Family
Jack and Diane McGuire
Andrew and Bonnie McKirdy
Elaine and Chris McLeod
Jerome and Roslyn Milstein Meyer
Jean Miles
The Mierz Family
Robert and Jeanette Mobeck
Kathleen Murphy and Dennis Knapp
Dana and Terrell Naumann
Eleanor Nelson
Daphne Neris
Tamara Noonan
Martin and Joy-Diane Northam III
Oak Tree Management
Curtis O’Connor and Melodie Lane
Marcum LLP
Oak Tree Development
Robert C. Osborne
Margaret Ottenbreit
Carvin and Renee Pallenberg
Peter Palumbo
Virginia Page
Lee and Robin Partyka
Sheila Peckingham
Fred Philips
Mrs. and Mr. Joseph Polka
Prinz Family
Steven and Violetta Prinz
Lonnie and Sharon Quinn
Vincent and Karen Ragonese
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Tina Redden and James Loftis
Carol Redden
Brigg Reilley
Ed and Barbara Renn
Todd Renz
Bill and Sharon Reynolds
Ginny and Greg Robbins
Neal and Judith Robison
Renee Rocklin
Russ Rosensweig
Allison K. Ross
Charles Rountree
Patrick and Stacy Ruwe
Sapa Extrusion
Mariah Sage and Bruce Seymour
Clarence and Carolyn Sasaki
Ronald and Melrene Savin
Randi Sawyer
Suzan and Rahmi Sayder
Michael and Barbara Schaffer
Christine and Pete Scirocco
Seaview Productions
Secor, Cassidy, & McPartland, P.C.
Philip Serafino
Conor Shea
Jana and Tom Shea
Shore Publishing
James Sinclair and Syliva Van Sinderen
Barry and Patti Sinoway
Cynthia Smith
Nancy Smith
Cindi Sorrentino
David and Pamela Snetro
Curtis and Ann Sorenson
John Sousoulas
Harold S. Spitzer
Aleta Staton
Joel Stedman and Sally Scott
Judy Stebbins
Buddy and Daneen Stiefel
Jay and Joyce Stiefel
William Stiefel
George and Teresa Storer
Jaroslaw Strzemien
Nicole Sturgess
Justina Sullivan
Leigh Tedstone
Anne Toffelmire
Henry and Marie Torello
Leland & Laura Torrence
Bill Tower
Towne Pharmacy
Earl W. Tucker, III
Sea Mist Thimble Islands Cruise
Melinda Ulrich
Stan and Angela Valencis
Thomas Nicholas Varzos
The Visnic Family
Victor Vroom
Mary Lee Weber
Webster Bank
Webster Private Bank
Beth Weinberger
Ken Welch
Laurence Weller
Anda Weyher
Susa H. Wharfe and JL Pottenger, Jr
Richard Wies
Jason and Carrie Wiesenfeld
Luke and Stephanie Williams
Thomas Williams
Anneatrice Willis
Christine Wood and Alan Forman
Andrew Wood
Jon and Sally Ann Wormley
Remy and Darlene Zimmerman


In-Kind Auction Donors
Michael Aram
Black Dog Imaging
Branford Jewelers
Branford River Resort and Spa
BSK Design at Chroma
Bull Bag
Delta Marketing
The Dressing Room CT
East River Energy
Fired Up
Fleur de Lys Floral Co.
G Zen
Goodspeed Opera House
J Hillburn
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Kebabian’s Oriental Rug
Kramer Studios
Legacy Gala Committee
Lenny 's
Lucy Tailors
Murphy Moving and Storage
Jeff and Rachel Mele
Nancy Mooney Facial
Orchestra New England
Peter David Salon
Richard Penna Salon
Sage American Grill
Savin Center
Seaview Productions
Stephanie Smelser
Stony Creek Package Store
Len Suzio
Tommy Sullivan's Cafe
Tricia Bohan Photography
The Village Chocolatier
Well Suited - Alan Horwitz
Willow & Birch
Withers Bergman